
General Topic

This project aims to analyze and visualize the number of foreign languages known (self-reported) in Germany compared to the EU, broken down by educational attainment level.

The Data Set

The data set is from Eurostat. You can view and download the full dataset here or download the .csv.gz file directly from my directory. For this project, we will focus solely on the data from Germany and the EU countries for 2022, specifically for individuals aged 18–69 years. For more information about the dataset, please refer to this website for metadata details.

Data Manipulation Goals

Filter the data to include only Germany and the EU countries for the year 2022, within the age group of 18–69 years. In terms of educational attainment, exclude entries labeled as β€œAll ISCED 2011 levels.”

Visualization Goal

Recreate the following stacked bar chart: Note: