
General Topic

Dataset contains information on New York City air quality surveillance data. Air pollution is one of the most important environmental threats to urban populations and while all people are exposed, pollutant emissions, levels of exposure, and population vulnerability vary across neighborhoods. These indicators provide a perspective across time and NYC geographies to better characterize air quality in NYC.

The Dataset

The Dataset has been published by Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) on the Open-Data. The dataset consists of csv/rdf/json/xml file with 12 attributes.

Manipulation Goals

The variety of data types can lead to a number of different analytical directions, such as temporal changes of a pollutant in different regions, or comparing mean values of different pollutants.

Visualization Goals

I mainly want to compare the mean values of different pollutants. This can be done by calculating the mean value of each pollutant in the data and then plotting a graph to show.