Mobile devices have become an essential part of our everyday life — being used for communication, information gathering, education, entertainment, and many more. It could even be argued that they have become too essential, with people spending many hours looking at their phones.
There are also many different models of mobile devices on the market with different functions, user-friendliness, and app support.
Consequently, the question arises if there are some models which are so well-designed that their users spend more time with them compared to other models.
The Dataset “Mobile Device Usage and User Behavior” has been published by Vala Khorasani on the data-community platform Kaggle. The dataset consists of only one .csv file with 10 attributes describing the device name, operating system, app usage time, etc. and a total of 700 observations.
The dataset is located here. You can find further information about the dataset under the section Data Card.
Note: To download the dataset you will have to create a free account on Kaggle. Don’t worry you won’t receive any spam mail or advertisement. If you still decide that you do not want to create an account I will link the .csv file in my directory where this markdown file is also stored. The dataset can be found here.
Luckily, the dataset is pretty straight-forward so there isn’t really anything that is not tidy. The only data manipulation you will have to do is summing up the app usage time for every device model.
Try to visualize the data in such a way that it will more or less lead to such a .
If possible also try to add add the logo of the operating system for every mobile device. It doesn’t have to be the exact same image I used, feel free to use something different.