
About the Game

World of Warships is a naval warfare game in which two teams, consisting of 12 players each, fight against each other in various gamemodes. Here they are competing over map control, utilizing different ship types, each with their strengths and weaknesses.

Battleships for example excel due to their high armor and firepower, while their speed, maneuverability and rate of fire are on the lower end.
Destroyers on the other hand are fast and nimble and are also able to use torpedoes to deal damage. This is assisted by their high concealment due to their smaller size, allowing them to get closer to enemies unseen, but carry a huge risk to get destroyed early due to their lacking armor and health points.
Cruisers are considered to be somewhere in the middle of the pack, where they have a good balance of everything, but still stand out due to their ability to provide utility to the team in the form of radar, which can reveal enemy ships in a certain radius, or hydroacoustic search, which can detect incoming torpedoes in the water early.

Different Nations are represented in this game with their historical ships.
Each nation brings with it their own strengths and weaknesses that alter the playstyles of each shiptype between the nations. One nation might focus more on survivability and firepower in order to become a hard hitting and hard to get rid of thorn in the enemies eye, while another might bring along more speed and concealment to utilize torpedoes better.

Tiers are used to represent the power level of each ship. Usually with the player climbing the tiers, they will receive newer and more advanced ships, each nation built or planned during their times.
In the games, players will be matched for a battle with ships of the same tier, to ensure a fair fight.

What this project is about

In this project, we will look at the playerbase data.
Given the structure the game provides with the combination of shiptypes and nations, we will try to figure out which nation and its attempt to create its unique playstyle is the most popular among the playerbase.
To do this, we will be taking the total amount of battles played per ship into account and try to define a way to keep track of the popularity as the Tiers increase.

About the Data

You will be provided with the data in the form of a csv file, called “wows_playerbase_data.csv”. This data has been provided by
Inside, you can find every single currently released Ship with its respective Tier, Shiptype and Nation attached.
Additionally, each ship has columns that show the amount of total games played per ship, together with its win rate, average damage and some more additional data.
What you will also notice is that some columns could not handle the transfer into the file, so you will have to correct them if you choose to use them. The correct values can always be checked from the source.

There are 13 Nations:

There are 5 Ship Types:

In total there are 11 Tiers.

The Contest

To determine which Nation is the most popular, we will look at the data for each Nation, Ship type and Tier.


The contest will introduce a simple point system that will keep track of its popularity as we progress through the tiers. To do this, we will be creating groups that have the following characteristics:

This needs to be done for every nation and for every tier of the contest.
The groups themselves are not necessary to be visualized. They only provide a framework that will contain relevant information to help you compare in the later steps.


Not every nation has a full lineup of ships for every type. So there will be cleanup necessary. The “Restrictions” in the document will describe closer how to handle this.


The points:

After you have prepared a group for every nation in its tier, you will need to compare the values per ship type.
Every ship type has a chance to win a point for their nation. This means that there will be 3 points to be awarded per tier.

A group example for tier 3:

Shiptype Tier Shipname Battles Winrate Average Damage
Battleship 3 Kawachi 2541886 49.55 % 20 099
Cruiser 3 Tenryu 2969168 48.7 % 18 313
Destroyer 3 Wakatake 2136183 48.54 % 15 793
Shiptype Tier Shipname Battles Winrate Average Damage
Battleship 3 South Carolina 3800000 48.69 % 21 182
Cruiser 3 St. Louis 5954447 51.29 % 21 945
Destroyer 3 Wickes 2392688 47.53 % 14 077

In this example we can see that the U.S.A. has the most played battles with every single ship type at Tier 3 compared to Japan.

So the U.S.A. would actually get all 3 Points in this stage of the contest. This of course can change, once we bring in the other competing Nations.

Optional Bonus Points:

Should there be a need to break a tie in points, the following bonus points can be awarded:

Optional Point modifier:

Should there be a scenario, where a nation is so overwhelmingly popular, that they horde each and every point like a dragon hordes gold, a point modifier can be introduced. The modifier looks as follows:

this will give some nations a chance to be compete against those that have been present since the release of the game.
So in the end, there are 18 points available per tier


In the end the points should be accumulated and by Tier 10 the Top 3 most popular nations should be determined. The most unpopular nation should also be visibly highlighted, even if their points are at 0.

An example of a possible graph is provided here.

The idea of the graph is to not only track the amount of points, but also to keep track of the point progression per tier within the graph. In my example I have added text for the tier in which that nation has received points.
Some will have the same tier displayed with the rest of the available points, and some nations will not have that tier mentioned because they haven’t received any points in it.
The nations should be ordered by their final point count in descending order.
Your final representation can vary, but should contain the same information.

Good luck!